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"Dreams are real as long as we are asleep. Life is real as long as we are not awakened."
- Baba Hari Dass
practice corner
agnisar dhauti - fire purification
Category Agnisara dhauti is one of the dhauti (purification) practices - it falls under the six “shatkarma” in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. ...
maha bandha - the great lock
Category Maha bandha is all three bandhas - jalandhara, uddiyana and mulabandha - performed at once on an exhalation retention. This...
uddiyana bandha - navel lock
Category Bandhas are energy or pranic locks that contain the prana in the torso and eventually concentrate it into the three main energy...
jalandhara bandha - throat lock
Category Bandhas are energy or pranic locks that contain the prana in the torso and eventually concentrate it into the three main energy...
ajapa japa - mantra recitation
Category One of the most widely employed forms of all meditative systems. In many spiritual traditions, sound or nada is thought to be...
kapala bhati - skull shining breath
Category Classified as a pranayama practice as well as one of the six shatkarma or purifications in Master Swatmarama’s Hatha Yoga...
sirsasana - headstand
Category Inversion asana. Physical Benefits Refreshes and revitalizes the entire body, improves circulation to brain, massages abdominal...
pure view
Category One of the three principal paths of a spiritual aspirant - renunciation, compassion and pure view. Pure view is the practice of...
vairagya - renunciation
Category One of the three principal paths of a spiritual aspirant – Renunciation, Bodhicitta and Correct View. Physical Benefits Confers...
bhramari - bee humming breath
Category One of the eight pranayama techniques listed in Master Swatmarama’s Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Technically, though, it isn’t so much...
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