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"Dreams are real as long as we are asleep. Life is real as long as we are not awakened."
- Baba Hari Dass
practice corner
shanmukhi mudra - sealing the seven gates
Category One of the ten mudras (“seal” or “attitude” practices) from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, shanmukhi mudra is a practice for...
antarayah - overcoming spiritual obstacles
Category Raja Yoga - Chapter 1.30 of the Yoga Sutras of Master Patanjali, circa 250 AD. Raja Yoga means Royal Yoga - highly revered...
sutra neti - nasal purification
Category One of the six shatkarma – purification practices - described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Sutra neti uses a thinly wound...
kurmasana - retreating tortoise
Category Deep forward fold asana. Physical, Mental and Karmic Benefits Increases circulation to the spine, flushes and tones the...
kapalabhati - skull shining breath
Category Kapalabhati means “frontal brain cleansing” or “skull shining”. It is one of the six Shatkarma from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika –...
shaucha - yogis cleaning
Category Preparing for meditation or for going into retreat. One of the five niyama or commitments from Master Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. ...
aparigraha - non-grasping
Category One of the Yama or forms of self-control or restraint from the eight limbs of Raja Yoga, codified by Master Patanjali in his...
trataka - the secret weapon
Category Trataka is one of the six Shatkarma from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika – a purification and preliminary step prior to beginning...
pranayama - yogic breathing
Category Pranayama is the yogic practice of breath control, used to manipulate pranic flow in the nadis or channels of vital energy. The...
eka pada bakasana - half crow pose
Category Half Crow or Eka Pada Bakasana is a very deep forward fold and one of the more difficult hand balance poses of yoga asana. It...
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