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"Dreams are real as long as we are asleep. Life is real as long as we are not awakened."
- Baba Hari Dass
practice corner
mayurasana - peacock pose
Category Hand balance. Physical Benefits Stimulates the digestive system, releases and clears toxins, improves complexion, relieves...
mahamudra - the great seal
Category One of the ten mudra or seals in Master Swatmarama’s Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Physical Benefits Elongates the spine, stretches the...
makarasana - crocodile pose
Category Prone backbend asana. Physical Benefits Strengthens the back body, position of choice for those with herniated spinal disc....
ustrasana - camel pose
Category Intermediate backbend asana. Physical Benefits Deeply opens and heats front body, especially heart, anterior hips, shoulders,...
simhasana - lion pose
Category Seated meditative preparatory pose. One of 15 asanas described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Physical Benefits Assists in...
guru - the teacher
Category Finding a Teacher and surrendering ourselves into their service and guidance – the basis of all spiritual practice and progress....
tapas - spiritual hardships
Category The 3rd of the five niyama or commitments from Master Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras – to embrace spiritual hardships for higher goals....
dharma - spiritual path
Category Study, contemplation and meditation on the steps of any spiritual path or dharma is designed specifically to transport us to the...
mulabandha - root lock
Category Mulabandha or root lock is one of the four principal bandhas or locks (jalandhara bandha, uddiyana bandha, mula bandha and maha...
yoga - a state of balanced union
Category System of yogic sciences and spiritual technologies which offer different paths to the final goal of enlightenment. The word...
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